There’s something more to see here. Ephesians 6:10-20
So many prompts from God over the period of several weeks were sending me back to Ephesians Chapter 6. This is always His way of telling me, “There’s something I really need you to understand!”
Having been previously focused on the armor of God in this text, I wondered. Was there something else here He wanted me to see?
It’s so important, especially now, for us to “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power” (v. 10). He is in control and in His mighty power, He will carry us through. If He chose, this virus would be halted in its path. If He chooses not to, what is He wanting me/us to learn through it?
A recent post from a friend on Facebook made reference to the many “idols” in our society. It asked……. What are we worshipping?
Athletes? Shut down the sports stadiums.
Musicians? Shut down the venues.
Actors? Shut down the theaters.
Money? Shut down the economy
Church buildings? Close them, too!
Perhaps He is calling me to Be Still (Ps 46:10) and focus on the One in whom our hope exists. Perhaps with all the uncertainty swirling about, He is asking me to listen for His “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). Yes, to pray continually (1 Thess 5:17) – we are called to have a connection to Him throughout our day. Perhaps He is needing to do a deeper work in me. Perhaps he is calling me to spend some time in solitude as in v.18, He is exhorting us to pray “always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” “Jesus is undoing a lot in all of us. He’s showing us new ways to cling to Him, new ways of knowing Him and going deeper with Him.” Denalyn Lucado The opportunity for all of us as the body of believers is to ask Him who we must be and how we must go forth beyond this pandemic. Ask Him to reveal to each of us our role in being His hands and feet. Ask Him to do in us what He needs to do so that He can do through us what He wants to do. And finally, as Paul requested prayer from the church in Ephesus, “that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel” (v.19) I believe that the bookend verses of this passage are exactly what we are being called to do in this Coronavirus “pause” and as we emerge from it. To know Him and to make Him known! Be strong in the Lord (v.10) and Boldly make known the reason for our hope (v.19-20) Cindy Rusate