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Eagerly Anticipating What God Has in Store For FBC Wallingford in 2020

January 2020

Dear FBC Family:

During this time of year, we reflect on all of God’s goodness in what He has done throughout the year, and we anxiously anticipate what He will do in the New Year. As you reflect on the upcoming year, what do you see? What’s your vision? Many of us would like to answer that question with “my vision is 20/20”…but we may need glasses or contacts to get us to that point.

YES, this New Year is 2020…and I realize it’s not quite the same as a physical vision, but the number of the year gives us an excellent opportunity to perform a “spiritual eye exam.”

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you will know what the hope of His calling is, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. (Eph. 1:18)                                                                               

There is a song entitled, “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” which builds on the notion from Ephesians that God desires us to see with the eyes (heart) of faith! The eyes of faith go far beyond where our physical eyes will ever take us. With the eyes of faith, we are reminded that the work of the church could not go on without the consistent, generous gifts of God’s people through tithes and offerings.

As we close the year of 2019 and begin 2020, I say, “THANK YOU!”      


Thank you for the faithful tithes and offerings you have made and are making to FBC Wallingford; together, we are the Body of Christ. When we are giving, we are being the faithful people God calls us to be—and our offerings bring about blessings on many levels: personally, corporately, locally, and nationally. Many lives are transformed (made new) through your giving. As Christians, we believe in a God who is generous, and the FBC family is called to be generous as God is generous.

It is through your tithes and offerings and God’s blessing that the world around us is able to feast on the gratitude that we have for God’s gracious abundance. It is a blessing to be a part of a loving and accepting community dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel through outreach and mission in Christ’s name!

We are now preparing for God’s calling on FBC Wallingford to move in ministry and mission in our community and beyond in 2020. This is the reason for this letter; to encourage each of us to reflect, pray, and prepare for how we each are called to support Christ’s ministries through our church community. One of the greatest indications of our love for the Lord and His church is both our desire to give, as well as the action of giving.

Please click here to complete the online giving form to commit your continuous giving to the Body of Christ (FBC Wallingford) in this New Year of 2020!. Or, use the hard copy pledge card available at the church and mailed to your home.

Questions? Call the church at 203-269-4796 or send an email.

Thank you for your heart for the Lord and His work through His church.

In Christ,

Pastor Steve Knott

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.  (Numbers 6: 24-27)

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